Monday, April 5, 2010

I knows what deep in my heart

We meet again bloggers. I don’t know what gonna I jot down here. By the way, I just wanna say that I really needed momentum right now since my final exam just around the corner. I don’t know or perhaps I don’t badly realize that I have study because I don’t want to fail in my exam. I knows this is just the test given by Allah but through test too, Allah wanna see his creature like us to undergo His test with patience and hard work plus with Du’a towards Him. As usual, ….IDIOA….maybe stressful or just regular basis that I have do. Since my secondary school, I kept regularly did the same thing until today. To Allah, I prays Allah to send me Hidayah and Guidance so that I may change from bad to good and from darkness to lightness. I really hope so since nowadays I gotta  lot of obstacles to being a good human being besides Allah. I hope so…I hope so….

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Monday, April 5, 2010

I knows what deep in my heart

We meet again bloggers. I don’t know what gonna I jot down here. By the way, I just wanna say that I really needed momentum right now since my final exam just around the corner. I don’t know or perhaps I don’t badly realize that I have study because I don’t want to fail in my exam. I knows this is just the test given by Allah but through test too, Allah wanna see his creature like us to undergo His test with patience and hard work plus with Du’a towards Him. As usual, ….IDIOA….maybe stressful or just regular basis that I have do. Since my secondary school, I kept regularly did the same thing until today. To Allah, I prays Allah to send me Hidayah and Guidance so that I may change from bad to good and from darkness to lightness. I really hope so since nowadays I gotta  lot of obstacles to being a good human being besides Allah. I hope so…I hope so….

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